Deb's Professional Documents
Uncontested Divorce $300.00 Add no court appearance $100.00
Uncontested Divorce w/children $500.00 Includes no court appearance/financial documentation
See Below for additional information on divorce
Legal Separation $400.00 Add no court appearance $100.00
Legal Separation w/children $600.00 Includes no court appearance/financial documentation
Convert Legal Separation to Divorce $250.00
Modification Of Custody w/Support $650.00 Includes no court appearance/financial documentation
Modification of Parenting Plan w/Support $650.00 Includes no court appearance/financial documentation
Modification Of Parenting Plan $550.00 Includes no court appearance/financial documentation
Modification Of Child Support $550.00 Includes no court appearance/financial documentation
Residential Schedule $550.00 w/support $650.00 Includes no court appearance/financial documentation
Parentage $550.00 w/support $650.00 Includes no court appearance/financial documentation
Non Parental Custody $700.00 w/support $800.00
Summons $250.00/Summons By Mail $250.00/Summons By Publication $300.00
Notice of Default $250.00
Response to Summons $200.00 w/children $300.00
Notification of Relocation $200.00 w/parenting plan $300.00
Objection to Relocation $250.00 w/parenting plan $300.00
Any/All Payments are non-refundable!
Workbooks must be returned within 60 days to avoid a $60.00 fee to re-open your file.
After 6 months of no activity on your file it will be cancelled and all fees voided
Divorce - w/real estate additional $75.00 per property
Retirement Accounts/Stocks/Bonds/Business, etc. -
$75.00 + and/or additional fees may apply (determined on a case by case basis).
Qualified Domestic Relations Order $100.00 and;
(If a QDRO is necessary you may need an attorney/lawyer to prepare it). Our office does not prepare QDRO's.
Divorce w/Business additional $75.00 per Business.
A filing fee will be required to be paid to the courts. The filing fees vary depending upon the type of documents and all filing fees are subject to change without notice.
We do offer no court appearances on uncontested cases.
Please contact our office so that we may provide details for your specific case.
Deb's Professional Documents would like to help reduce your stress by preparing your documents for you! Our workbooks are designed to make the process easy for you.
No Court Appearance: If you choose to file without a court appearance there is an additional fee but you do not go to court, we present the documents to the courts by mail and the courts notify you when your case is finalized. Your Divorce must be uncontested in order to file with no court appearance.